Off Grid

Off Grid

Your solar system is not connected to the electricity grid. The system is linked to the batteries which store your excess electricity produced during the day. Power stored in the battery is used during night or any shortfall hours.

In monsoon and less sunshine season, the produced electricity through solar is intelligently managed by the charge controller and battery and the entire system makes sure you have 24 hours uncut electricity.

There is no answer to climate change without substantially, dramatically, increasing the amount of renewable energy in the global energy system.” -- Christiana Figurers, UNFCCC

The batteries provided through The Solar Electricity Company are entirely different from the batteries that are generally provided in the market. Our batteries are entirely ‘Green’, offers absolutely no pollution or spillage fears and come with minimum maintenance warranty. In addition to that, the durability of battery is more than 15 years.

This entire system is extremely cost effective. Committing to a solar system on your rooftop ensures that you watch electricity price-rise from a distance. You are not bothered with power cuts anymore and gradual rise in electricity price every year doesn't affect you. You contribute to environment and your take a step towards ‘Ujwal Bharat’